菜單 Menu

食物 Food飲品&甜點 Drink&Dessert

飲品&甜點 Drink & Dessert


  • 若對任何食物過敏或特別要求,請在點餐前說明
    If there are any allergies or specific preference, please notify your server before ordering.
  • 餐點未能於20分鐘內奉上, 請告知點餐服務生
    If any of the food is not served within 20 minutes, please notify your server.
  • 若須分單請提早告知服務員
    For individual bills, please notify server beforehand.
  • 如有VIP或優惠卷請於點餐時出示給服務員
    Please notify server beforehand when using VIP cards and any vouchers.
  • 基於衛生理由本店不代為打包,餐點打包將由服務生提供外帶盒
    Due to hygiene reasons, server will provide takeout boxes for left overs.
  • 提供外帶盒並酌收$0.25/只
    Surcharge of $0.25 for each to-go container for unfinished food.
  • 禁止在店內打牌及攜帶外來飲料和食物 (包含含酒精飲料)
    Please no outside food or drink allowed. (including alcohol)
    Please do not play cards in the restaurant.
  • 每人最低消費 $10
    Our minimum charge is $10 / person.
  • 繁忙時段用餐限一個小時,造成不便請見諒
    During rush hours and when there is a line up, please limit to 1 hour dining time frame.
  • 8人以上團體建議基本小費15%
    Recommended 15% gratuity service fee to be added for party of 8 or more.
  • 攜帶蛋糕每位酌收 $2.50
    $2.50 cleaning fee per person for cake used at restaurant.